Welcome back to our dear CheFi who's just paid a visit down-under !
After a brief interview I had with her, we got a very interesting overview of Melbourne, the city, the cold, the cleaninity (ok ok so my England not so good but you get my drift), the people and the most-noticably unpredictable weather. Of course, needless to say, the stay would have been a lot longer had she not missed her dose of char koay teow or mamak mee... not to mention KohPhil's deeply missed suckling pig, also known as "Rock". (I still wonder how a suckling pig ended up with a name like Rock
Anyway... Congratulations Chef, Koh Phil on the much long deserved trip down under! Tell us all about it if you have the time k...
By the way... Team members who can post their own items here are : Beng, Cor, Alex.
Anyone else interested... do drop us a comment and we'll add you in so you can post your own too!