Welcome back to our dear CheFi who's just paid a visit down-under !
After a brief interview I had with her, we got a very interesting overview of Melbourne, the city, the cold, the cleaninity (ok ok so my England not so good but you get my drift), the people and the most-noticably unpredictable weather. Of course, needless to say, the stay would have been a lot longer had she not missed her dose of char koay teow or mamak mee... not to mention KohPhil's deeply missed suckling pig, also known as "Rock". (I still wonder how a suckling pig ended up with a name like Rock
Anyway... Congratulations Chef, Koh Phil on the much long deserved trip down under! Tell us all about it if you have the time k...
By the way... Team members who can post their own items here are : Beng, Cor, Alex.
Anyone else interested... do drop us a comment and we'll add you in so you can post your own too!
Good dai mait! How are you todai?
Baru satu minggu di down-under sudah sound like an Aussie!
All in all it was a fabulous trip. There are so many Chinese that for a moment I thought I was in Malysia.
BTW, your Dad viewed the b'day photos and read the comments and he said, "Very nice photos."
Heard you went on another trip Chef... ?
Caught the travel Bug i see !
happy for you...
One day i hope i can travel like that too !
Wah.... bukan main lagi eh.... speaking like a true oz. lol. when me husband first landed in sydney airport some 11 yrs ago, he said, "cheng, you sure this is not hong kong, ah?"
Had a time of my life in Phillipines with Elaine and Hans's mum and sis. Shopping was soooo good. Malls after malls..never seemed to end. Near every big mall there is a church and so you will never miss mass on a Sunday even though while shopping. How convenient!!
The Filipinos pronounce "p" for "f" and so I'm called Pi-Pi. And so when I went missing someone said that "Aunty PiPi went to pee pee!! How funny that sounds.
ku che, you went with lynette ha? she was my school mate in bbgs.... shopping like no tomorrow ya. best lah you.
You mean Lynette Issac was your school mate? I thought she went to Bukit Nanas. Will mention you to her when we next meet in Penang for X'mas.
yup lynette isaac was my school mate. our class in form 5 was next to each other. bb girls lah... not cbn....
well, ku che, pls say hi to her from me. and merry christmas to you, uncle phil & elaine.
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