Yet again a new year approaches. One year older, more hair loss, wrinkles appearing...... aah, what we will give to turn the clock back.
Fret not, there's always the memories.........misty coloured memories of the way we
looked (with appologies to Barbra Streisand)
hahaha... Koh Lex... I hope you've digitized these picts, burnt them on to a dvd and stored in some bank vault! priceless... simply priceless!!
Award winner for "never changed" surely must go to Corinne!!
Award for "most changed" ... hmmm... everyone else?
Can't imagine everyone there are now Mothers, Fathers and grandparents,too! How we have all grown, evolved and now ageing.
The pics would date back to the sixties, seventies...
nolah, a lot of you all haven't changed. angie, cor, ku che.... i think i spot one of my twin aunts?
This has made me do a "search" in Telok Gadong for old pictures...
I found some and will post it soon as I find the time to edit.
You will ALL be interested to see the "changes".
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